Sponsorship and Advertising

Help support the arts in Warrick County

Connect to the community

Sponsorship and advertising reaches more than 3,000 local residents. Showing your support connects you as a supporter of education and the arts in Warrick County and southwestern Indiana.

Education + arts

Research shows that adding Arts to STEM education makes students more well rounded and connected to their community. Your support ensures the arts stay part of the fabric of Warrick County.

Value and longevity

Donations and sponsorships become a part of the history of our program. Every time someone looks at our program, your business will be brought back to the forefront. Your name will be front of mind this summer and many years to come.


Show your support by purchasing an ad in our printed show program. Published and bound, this 8.5″ tall by 5.5″ wide book will be shared and kept around for months and years to come. Make sure your business is a part of this history!

Sponsorship Levels

From large corporations to small businesses and individuals, we have a supporter level designed for you.

CONTRACT / PAYMENT: PAYMENT: All financial commitments must be made prior to June 10, 2022. Financial commitments not made by that date will terminate inclusion in the program. Warrick County Public Education Foundation and the Warrick Summer Musical have the right to approve or reject advertising copy. Advertisers assume full responsibility for advertisement content. Tear sheets will be provided post-program print.

We need your support.

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.

Warrick County Summer Musical


The Warrick County Summer Musical program began in 1997 and begins its 24th show in 2020. The show is a production and presentation of the Warrick Public Education Foundation and the Warrick County School Corporation. Major funding comes from the Warrick County School Corporation and show advertising and sponsorship.

PO Box 473, Newburgh, IN  47629-0473
Tax Exempt Non Profit 501(c)3 Organization
EIN: 35-1785948



© 2025 WPEF/WCSM (01/07/2022)

